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Diversity in boreal region & unusual survivors

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Origanum vulgare (Mäkimeirami)

A spicy herb from dry sandy fields, often used as pizza-spice. It can be sometimes found also as wild herb, but most often it is bought...

Opuntia polyacantha (Opuntiakaktus)

There are many succulent species in the American genus Opuntia. Many of them are frost tender subtropical plants but O.polyacantha can...

Omalotheca sylvatica (Ahojäkkärä)

A common but rather unknown perennial weed, growing on dry sandy wastelands. The flowers are small and colorless, maybe that's why the...

Narcissus pseudonarcissus (Narsissi)

Narcissus grow in every garden and appear as soon as the bare earth appears under the melting snow. While the tulips gradually weaken...

Myrica gale (Suomyrtti)

An aromatic small bush often growing wild near the lakes or some other wet places. I have just one Myrica gale, transported from my...

Muscari armeniacum (Tummahelmililja)

One of the most common lilies of the spring, originally from Greece and Asia. It tolerates well the boreal climate and decorates...

Morus nigra (Mustamulperi)

A Chinese tree with edible berries, actually one of the most important plants in the world. The caterpillars of the silk moth Bombyx mori...

Mitchella repens (Pyynmarja)

This land cover plant comes from east North America and ha small evergreen round leaves and pink flowers. This species is seldom seen in...

Mentha x gracilis (Punaminttu)

A hybrid of mints with large, red flowers. It can be used both as a decorative plant and a spice. I bought my seedling 2019 and already...

Mentha aquatica (Vesiminttu)

There are countless varieties of mint for sale. I have bought this plant as "Chocolate mint" and after 2017 it has formed a large growth...

Melissa officinalis (Sitruunamelissa)

A very useful perennial herb with lemon taste, suitable to be used as spice in many dishes. I have in our garden a special place for...

Matteuccia struthipteris (Kotkansiipi)

A large fern, which likes humid soil and shadow. The shape of the plant is proud and the leaves symmetric and deep green. The Finnish...

Matricaria discoidea (Pihasaunio)

A small weed with modest greenish flowers, usually growing on dry sandy paths where nothing else grows. A harmless annual, very rapidly...

Malus purpurea (Koristeomenapuu)

Some apple trees exist for our mouths and some other for our eyes. M.pupurea has small, hard and acrid apples, suitable just as food for...

Malus domestica (Tarhaomenapuu)

Everybody has an apple tree in his garden, I have 10 of them, all of different varieties. I had before even more, but in one winter one...

Mahonia aquifolium (Mahonia)

An evergreen bush from western North America. I got the small plant from my friend 2018. It has grown well and seems to tolerate our cold...

Magnolia liliiflora (Tulppaanimagnolia)

Magnolias are seldom seen in Finnish gardens though they have large and exclusive flowers. Many of them are frost tender, but I have...

Lysimachia vulgaris (Ranta-alpi)

The high growing L.vulgaris is one of the most common wild flowers in my garden. It behaves nearly like a weed, but I let it grow in most...

Lysimachia nummularia (Suikeroalpi)

L.nymmularia grows wild already in southern Scandinavia, but in Finland it is seen mostly in gardens or at least close to them. The other...

Lychnis viscaria (Mäkitervakko)

One of the most common plants on the rock and the sandy slope. When blooming in the beginning of June all the rock turns lilac attracting...

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